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Our room in the castle


Our hotel food in Rothernburg

The reception area in the hotel was very nice although we did not really use it at all.



Some tasty options for breakfast

A walk around Rothernburg



View from our room balcony in Rotherburg

Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber

We drove from Neckargemund to Rothernburg today and it was a quick little drive.

Along the way we stopped at a little town and saw a funny little car. There was a museum but it was closed on the day we drove through so we took the opportunity to use their toilets. There was also a church with lovely art work all over the ceiling.


The GPS took us down the main street with all the tourists and we found the hotel. We could not check in until 3pm so we dropped out bags off and parked the car in their parking facility (6 EURO per day) and went for a walk.


The good old Heffiweizen...

One of the town gates - we drove through this into the town.

The quintessential Rothernberg scene

Heidlburg Castle









Day trip to Heidleburg

We took a ferry from Nuckargemund to Hiedleburg. It took 1 hour and we had to go through 2 locks to get there The total distance is only about 8km. Cost 9 Euro each one way.

We got off the ferry and walked up to the main street which was very busy - Saturday afternoon.



I had a weird beer - it is called a BananaWeizen. It is a Hefeweizen with a banana essence. Weird - tasted like Banana as you would expect.

They also have KirchWeizen which is cherry flavored and ColaWeizen which is cola and beer.

Other weird drinks we have seen is a White Wine and then they add Water to it. 50/50 mix - I was not keen on trying that,


Pam had a chocolate drink with ice cream.

A few drinks in the sun


Good Cheap beer - Large Paulaner Hefeweizen - 3 euro 10 cents, Pam had a Paulaner Export - 2 Euro 60 cents.

A walk along the river overlooking the village


A simple coffee - but not very good. The building was better than the coffee.


Very nice glass tiled windows in the cafe

Copyright © Chris & Pam - 2025