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Video of our time in Tahiti 2012

Last day in Tahiti and head back to New Zealand

Today we move out of the house in Moorea but not until 4pm to catch a flight back to Papeete at 5pm.

We have to clean up, take the rubbish and recycling out and that is about it.

It has been a good relaxing trip with the only problem the mosquitos to spoil it.

It has just started to rain – the first of the trip – but looks like it will only last a few minutes.

Once we arrive in Papeete we then are thinking of catching a cab to the Inter Continental and dropping our bags with the concierge and have dinner there as our flight back to New Zealand is not until 1:15am so quite a few hours to fill in.

Last evening in Moorea

Well it is our last evening in Moorea, our last sun set and then back to New Zealand.

Stitched Panorama

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Stitched Panorama


After watching the sunset we decided to go out to dinner just down the road at a place called Mahogany. We walked there and found that they were closed on Wednesday’s.

So Pam bought a takeaway curry – pretty bad.

I just finished up some bread and cheese – pity we were both looking forward to going to the Mahogany restaurant as we had a beer there on the weekend.

Nice clear water in Moorea

The water is very clear when there is no wind – once the wind comes up it is hard to get a clear view of the bottom.

The last few days have been very calm and generally no wind.

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There was not as many fish as I expected when I went snorkelling, but last night i went out and there was a lot of fish. Pity I did not have an underwater camera.

Another nice sunset and windless evening

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Lost Power

For some reason we have lost power – it went off just before 8am and currently it is 9am with still no power.

UPDATE: Power back on after 65 minutes

I went down to the shop and they also had no power so maybe the whole island has lost power?

I wonder if this is a common occurrence as they did not seem to be concerned in the shops and wrote each item purchased in a book. So it must happen quite often.


I guess there is always a positive and a negative to lovely beach locations and Mosquitoes are it.

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I have been bitten 100’s of times as you can see from the image below – not a pretty site – not that it was before the bite marks either.


I went out an purchased a bug zapper – looks like a small tennis racket.


I did not buy batteries since I had some rechargeable ones but they are only 1.2 volts and did not work. I went back to the shop but they were closed.

I went back this morning and tested another unit with my batteries – no go – so my 1.2 rechargeable are no good in the bug zapper.

I bought a pack of 4 batteries for 280 XPF.

Now to kill the little buggers!

A still morning for a paddle in the kayak

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It was a lovely still morning with no wind so I padded a few KM

Wind and Water

Since we have been on Moorea there has been a lot of Wind – not cold , but quite strong.

This has meant that going out on the canoe or snorkelling has been difficult.

Tonight however there is no wind – I woke from an afternoon rest to find the sun setting and the to be no wind.

The water looked great.

So I took the canoe and hit the water – I travelled to the Pearl Resort about 500 meters away.

I saw a couple on the outside of their over water bungalow and spoke to them. They only arrived today and were having a great time.

I said I must get back before it is dark and 10 minutes after I got back it was black – so just in time.

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Just like home–cats & dogs

The house seems to come with its own cat + the owners dog + the next door neighbours dog!

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