The day started off with breakfast along with 5 glasses of bubbles each – these waiters – they love to feed you up on booze.
How to make Margarita class – so a couple of Margaritas before lunch.
A few more drinks at lunch
Just before dinner – some cocktails – a Pineapple Margarita.
Then a Caesar special (Caesar is a bartender at the Martini bar who Pam likes to think of the Energizer Bunny). I asked for a Apple Martini and < 20 seconds later there it was. He is like this every time you see him. He remembered me from being here 2 years ago and he was like that then as well.
So I think I had 4 margaritas there, and Pam had a couple of Mojitos
Dinner we had a Pineapple Margarita again. I tried a white wine but did not like it so had to settle in for the reds. 3 reds Pam tells me.
We flagged the concert and I crashed in a few seconds of getting back to the room.
What a boozy day – cost $0
Off to get some breakfast - so who knows what the day will bring.